Saturday, December 1, 2007

Moving to a New Home

I've needed a new place to blog for awhile. I've spent the better part of four years on LiveJournal, and while it rocked, LiveJournal's become bad.

Like, really bad.

Bad enough that I haven't really blogged there for a good number of months.

The new censorship laws that Six Apart is forcing onto LiveJournal are...incredibly stupid, and incredibly suppressing, and frankly, being a gay Indian male from a family that believes itself to be incredibly modern and free-thinking while not at all being so, I have to say that I'm damn tired of being constantly suppressed and censored. I'm sorry. I need some place to speak my mind, some place where I can be heard, and clearly, that's unfortunately no longer LJ, who seems to suddenly want to pander to five-year-olds in spite of the fact that you have to be at least thirteen years of age to be able to use LJ!

So I've had to leave my home of four years and move here, to Blogger.

Hopefully, this place won't turn into teh suck the way LJ has.

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